Paper Airplanes

I saw them drift past the cathedral, heard the bells toll for 4:30 mass, and thought that if we were higher than the church itself, we must somehow be closer to God. Two happy hearts, living in scuffed-soled shoes above our one-mile radius world.

Giving Thanks

2014 was am extremely difficult year for me – probably the hardest of my 25 (almost 26) years of life. However, I had some people by my side, and they deserve a bunch of giant hugs and kisses and endless amounts of thank you’s. While I am keeping them anonymous, each of the following paragraphs are individual thank you’s to the people that supported me through 2014, and that I am carrying with me through 2015 and beyond.

When You Hear News about an Ex

Maybe it’s because every time I hear or see his name, I can’t help but recall certain memories, maybe it’s because of the way I was so devastatingly hurt when we ended (or more like the way we ended, I should say), or maybe it’s because of the way I used to love him. In a way that I’ve never loved anyone else.

Express Yourself

Vulnerability is our most accurate measurement of courage. – Brené Brown Today, I attended a seminar sponsored by my MBA program that taught us all about constructing our own personal mission statement. I’m sure you’re thinking the same thing I initially thought when I saw that was the topic of the seminar: holy bullshit, Batman. […]