What Depression Really Feels Like

To be clear, depression is not really a distinct kind of sadness, but more of a numbness. Like walking on shards of broken glass and not giving two shits that your feet are being sliced raw. Or not really giving two shits about anything for that matter. That and beginning to realize that everything around you is incredibly irritating. Nails against a chalkboard irritating.

Sewn Shadows & Rib Cage Nectar

The clouds hung heavy with autumn air this morning. The last summer cherries stifled the air with their crimson blooms. Dimples dipped into the corners of my mouth like dark sea star shadows on the shoreline. I will have to remember this feeling. When life is far harder than it is now. When the spools unravel and the salt settles rather than crystallizes. When gravity levels even the ocean floor. I will inhale the sweet nectar of this morning.

Cinderella Woman

I have to believe that when things are bad, I can change them. –          Jim Braddock, Cinderella Man It’s been awhile since I’ve truly pursued something purely for myself. Yes, one could say that pursuing my MBA is something that I’m doing for me, but in reality, it is something I am doing for the […]

My Soul Mates

Carrie Bradshaw said it best – maybe our girlfriends are our soul mates. And just like Carrie, I too, happen to have three amazing soul mates. The four of us happened to be sitting in a restaurant booth last night, and one of my friends, who, per her request, will be known throughout this post […]